Shahzeen will be speaking at the National Academies Workshop on societal responses to climate change, May 4-5 2023.
“Join the planning committee for Integrating the Human Sciences to Scale Societal Responses to Environmental Change: A Workshop as they explore the potential for synthesizing the human sciences (e.g., social, behavioral, psychological, political, organizational) to develop critical societal capacities for and responses to climate change. The 2-day, virtual (public) workshop will consider how to integrate, align, and converge the broad mix of social, behavioral, and cognitive sciences to produce new insights and inform efforts for enhanced human responses to environmental change. Earth System Science increasingly incorporates human systems in its analysis of climate change, but social, behavioral, and social sciences have yet to align internally in prioritizing and addressing the range of challenges faced by individuals and communities in responding to the various stresses and opportunities posed by climate change. The planning committee is formed under the auspices of the Board on Environmental Change and Society at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.”