Media covering research papers

Recyling bias and reduction neglect (2023)

Moderating spillover: Focusing on personal sustainability behavior rarely hinders and can boost climate policy support (2021)


Israeli daily Calcalist


Shared vision for a decarbonized future energy system in the United States (2020)

Podcast discussing our work

Podcast discussing our work

Climate change communicators’ carbon footprints affect their audience’s policy support (2019)


Easy but not effective: Why “turning off the lights” remains a salient energy conserving behaviour in the United States (2019)

Perceptions of water systems (2017)

Washington Post

Washington Post

Statements about climate researchers' carbon footprints affect their credibility and the impact of their advice (2016)

Energy conservation goals: What people adopt, what they recommend, and why (2016)

Don't rush to flush (2015)

Reasons for cooperation and defection in real-world social dilemmas (2014)

The water shortlist (2014)

Perceptions of water use (2014) 

Paying for what was free: Lessons from the New York Times paywall (2012)

Perceptions of energy consumption and savings (2010)