Drew presents research on Water Conflict in Zambia to IUOS on Friday Nov 13 at 3pm.
Center of Excellence for Women in Technology (CEWiT) Talk - Nov 10
Shahzeen gives a talk at CEWiTs Salon on her research on perceptions of water systems and creating a water game. CEWiT Salons provide a venue for faculty and Ph.D. students to network, socialize, and learn about the research and/or teaching of colleagues across multiple schools and disciplines.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 4 - 5:30pm
WHERE: Faculty Room, University Club, IMU
Yellowwood State Forest - Fall Lab Hike
Attari Lab hiked the Lake Trail at Yellowwood State Forest. Savannah (not in photo) was busy chasing squirrels.
Welcome, Janine!
Janine Tang, an incoming Freshman in Biology and an IU Sustainability 2020 scholar, joins our lab. Welcome to the Attari Lab, Janine!
Congrats, Michelle!
A huge congratulations to Michelle Lute who accepted a postdoc position at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She will be working on a science literacy project related to swift fox conservation.
UT Austin visit
Shahzeen gives a seminar at UT Austin's Energy Symposium.
Peace out - Btown! Kelsey Hinton heads to the Golden State
Kelsey starts her Vista Fellowship with the Community Water Center in Visalia CA this Fall and will be away for a year. Best of luck and enjoy the ocean!
Interview on The Water Values
Shahzeen is interviewed about the Lab's research by David McGimpsey. Podcast features artwork by our own Carissa Knox!
Drew in the news
Postcards from Zambia
Pictures from our field trip to Zambia (Choma and Livingston).
Don't rush to flush
Lute, Attari and Sherman's Don't Rush to Flush (2015) is published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. A huge congrats!
Drew awarded Tillman scholarship
Drew Marcantonio was selected as the only student from Indiana to be a Tillman Scholar. Check out his goals here. A huge congrats to him and safe travels to Zambia for his research this summer!